There are many red cultural attractions in Shanghai, such as the former residence of Mao Zedong, the former residence of Song Qingling, the former residence of Liu Changsheng, the memorial hall of the first National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the memorial hall of the second National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and the former site of the Secretariat of the Chinese labor union.
1. In fact, there are a lot of historical things in the memorial hall of the first National Congress of the Communist Party of China, including the new chapter on the administration of state affairs – the cultural relics of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. This one is free and can be used
Take your children to have a look and increase your knowledge of history. Location: close to Xintiandi. At that time, we took the subway to Huangpi South Road and got there. What impresses me most is the wax figure on the scene of a big meeting, which is very lifelike.
2. Memorial Hall of the second National Congress of the Communist Party of China
It’s a well-known tourist resort. Generally, the Tour team used to visit and study. Many students are organized by schools, as if they are close to Xintiandi. So after visiting, you can feel it in the new world.
3. Exhibition hall of historical materials of the Fourth National Congress of the Communist Party of China
The first time was in Xintiandi. The second time was a small building on the edge of the green land, and the fourth Cultural Road on Duolun Road. Here are abundant historical photos, historical materials and a large number of objects.
4. Memorial Hall of the Shanghai Office of the Communist Party of China Delegation (Zhou mansion)
When you go to the ticket office, you can get the tickets free of charge. Because you go alone, you can still ask the master of the ticket office to help you take a picture. I feel that the whole building is very harmonious. Unfortunately, the hall in the courtyard is not too big. There is no place to take a picture with the statue of Premier Zhou
5. Longhua martyrs cemetery
The cemetery is nothing more than looking at the tombstones and epitaphs of some martyrs. Although it’s not as interesting as other places to visit, it’s full of solemnity, sadness and unusual silence.
6. Mao Zedong’s former residence
It’s closer to South Shaanxi road. It’s easy to find. The house is very small. Inside, you can also meet many visitors who have a lot of research on the revolutionary cause. It has a good environment and is full of scholarly taste.
7. Sun Yat Sen’s former residence
It’s free when you go. I don’t know how it is now. In fact, it’s a bit depressing when you come to such a place. After all, you go to visit the memorial hall of Sun Yat Sen’s former residence with a heart of remembrance, but it’s still a very educational place.
8. Former residence of Song Qingling
The room is very simple and simple, and the environment is very quiet. It can’t be seen that it used to be the place where Soong Ching Ling lived. After the visit, I realized that some things were not said by others. I realized that the personality charm of great people is really infinite.
9. Lu Xun Memorial Hall
There are many things of Lu Xun’s life on display. If you like the excitement, you don’t have to come in. Seeing some of the old man’s manuscripts, clothes, and some very old photos, his heart naturally calmed down.
10. Taofen Memorial
It took a lot of effort to find it. In the family area, in addition to the memorial, the furniture and working environment at that time were also preserved. In fact, there are many such memorials in Shanghai, which are of great value for visiting and learning from history.
上海景点特点:中西合璧 有海派底蕴 的时尚魔都! 先说说外滩 有万国博览会的美誉 从陆家嘴一眼望来 各国建筑一览无遗;再说说豫园和石库门等老建筑 和上海特有的弄堂文化 伴随着很多70 80后人们的成长;最后是魔都的感念 从外滩往陆家嘴側望去 高楼云集 特别在烟雨朦胧的雨天 有种特有的魔幻色彩。爱上海的人都会爱上海的景点,琳琅满目 应有尽有!
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线路名称:上海旅游4号线里程数:全程65公里耗时:全程约90分钟起点:上海体育场终点:大观园沿途景点:上海体育场 – 上海动物园 – 吴宝路 – 赵巷 – 曲水园 – 朱家角 – 大观园车票票价:2元、6元、10元、12元、14元、16元 设置停靠站:中山西路、吴中路上内环线高架、经延安路高架至虹许路下高架、上海体育场(希尔西海洋世界)、上海动物园、上海马场、曲水园、朱家角古镇、水上运动场、报国寺、福克俱乐部、大观园
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